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The Girl at the Party

I worked so hard to avoid your gaze,
afraid that if our eyes met
that there would be something there.
A glance, a look, a spark.
I was pulled aside to have a word,
trying my hardest to look at my shoes
but when you finished your question
and I looked up to answer…
It happened.
That glance, that look, that spark.
Your eyes the deep color of chestnut,
a bright and beautiful amber
that glimmered in the light.
I could see into them as we shared
that tender, unspoken moment.
My heart skipped a beat and
my breath was took.
Our eyes had locked
and my worst, best fears were realized.
I brought my eyes down to see
your delicate lips raised in a smile
that matched the smitten flutter in my heart
and the simple grin on my face.
I realized that we were inches apart,
our eyes locked once more,
and then we remembered ourselves.
Sometimes, I’d prefer to forget.


oh you hopeless romantic you :P
Unknown said…
That's what they tell me...
hi. nice to meet you.
Unknown said…
That is a goal I should set. I was recommended by max rebo. Isn't that the name of the bandleader in Episode IV? Anyway, he left a comment on one of my Examiner articles. I understand you're an examiner as well. I also blog here. Some short story/essay stuff, some just "stuff."

A well put together blog.
Pat at a loss said…
B, this is your conscience speaking: Does your wife read these works? What a contrast from your earlier "periods."

I had trouble with "my breath was took" Poetic license?

Here's a bold confession: I can always think of a personal connection to your themes from my long, wanton life. The difference is I am scared to write them! PBGJ
S. Sable said…
Thanks for sharing your work! I look forward to getting caught up!
Anonymous said…
i am a die-hard romantic too...i love your work!!! cheers:-)


Stationery Magazine

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