Well, I'm back from three weeks in Paris. I got plenty of writing done and am completely creatively rejuvenated. And, like a fool, instead of parlaying that rejuvenation into more writing, I'm doing conventions for the next two weekends. I'll try to keep up on the writing, sure, but I'd have a hard time passing up seeing those of you who care. CONduit is a Science Fiction convention held each year in Salt Lake City. Here's their website . They're one of the oldest cons in Utah devoted to Science Fiction (possibly the oldest?) and I'll be doing four appearances. Saturday 11:00 am - Reading (I'll be reading a selection from Operation: Montauk and possibly a tease from my next book.) Saturday 2:00 pm - Signing (I'll be signing and selling books) Saturday 3:00 Geek Journalism (Bryan Young, Krystal Star & Danielle Uber Alles (Hello Sweetie)) Sunday 10:00 Star Trek, Star Wars, and J.J. Abrams (Julie Henderson, Bryan Young, Stephanie Roberts...
Welcome to the online home of Bryan Young, where you can find short stories, links to his work, and advice about writing.