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An Update...

Things are still completely crazy in my neck of the woods. The documentary I'm working on for KUED (called "Normal, UT") is supposed to be done this week. That means that pretty much all of my available time is being sunk into that.

But that doesn't mean there aren't other things going on.

First: A Children's Illustrated History of Presidential Assassination is just about out. Kickstarter backers have received PDF copies of the book, the proofs from the printer are arriving tomorrow, and all of the other backer rewards are completed.

It's going to be great.

At this point, you can pre-order it on the Silence in the Library website, or you can enter to win a copy from Goodreads:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

A Children's Illustrated History of Presidential Assassination by Bryan Young
Enter to win
Then, the next most important thing I've got going on is the new eZine from Silence in the Library publishing. The Stacks #1 came out today.

It's a free, quarterly newsletter with essays, short stories, and art. This first issue has my story "A Peculiar Constitutional" in it, as well as an essay from Aaron Allston, which is one of the last things he sent us.

If you want to download the first issue, do that here. Then, go to the main page of the website and sign up for the newsletter.

The next thing you should know about: There's an Indigogo campaign for an anthology to benefit CJ Henderson and my short story "The Red Ring of Death" is appearing in it. The campaign is just about funded with a month left to go, but you're going to want to snag a copy of the anthology. It has a lot of great stuff in it from a lot of great people.

You can do that here.

And last but not least, I did a piece on Wil Wheaton and TableTop Day. Two pieces, actually. One for Huffington Post/Big Shiny Robot! and another for the official Star Wars website.

I'll be back to update more as soon as I can...


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