I've been thinking a lot lately about the role editors have played in my development as a writer and I think they have a much more important role than many people would admit. But the editor has to be a good one. They can't have a chip on their shoulder and they need to look at your work as a partnership. Teamwork. What's a good editor, to my mind? A good editor is one who is going to force you to ask questions about the reasons behind your thinking. "Why" is how they start most of their sentences. Often, they'll be approaching your work from a direction you hadn't considered at all. A good editor is one who will take all the knowledge and experience they have in the field, and help you apply it to your piece. An editor isn't just someone that looks for typos. They're looking for cliches they can help remove, they're looking for tired story elements they can axe, they're looking for the sentences where you were on auto-pilot and cou...
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