Earlier this week, Chuck Wendig, author of the upcoming Star Wars: Aftermath, wrote a post about his writing proces s and challenged other writers to share theirs, so I thought that would make a perfect post for this week. I'm the sort of writer who works really well with a consistent routine and something to always work on. My routine has been something I've slowly been coming to over the years and I really like where I'm at because it's allowed me to create a tremendous and, I think, quality output. Though I used to be the exact opposite, I'm an early riser and do my best to get to my local coffee shop or my office by 6:00 am. At that time in the morning, there is no one trying to send me emails, no one calling or texting, the kids aren't awake, and I'm left with nothing but my thoughts. Lately, I walk to the coffee shop as often as possible. It gives me time to collect my thoughts. Then, I sit down with my writing notebook and journal for a little w...
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