As you might have heard, I've started a Patreon for short stories. You can watch the above video and check out the campaign here.
The reason I started this site in the first place more than ten years ago was to get myself into the habit of writing short stories on a regular basis. Since then, I've written more than a hundred short stories and almost a dozen novels. I've also picked up gigs writing for so many websites and magazines and placing short stories in anthologies, which means that the "writing short stories for fun" aspect of what this site used to be shifted into something else.
I'm trying to put myself in a position where I'm not doing any writing that I'm not getting paid for and this seemed to be the best way to blend how this site used to run and my new renewed desire to be a full-time writer.
And that's where you come in.
If you enjoy what I do on the blog and can support the Patreon even for $1 per short story, I would be forever grateful. It would help me produce more short stories, but also help subsidize the time I spend writing this blog and my livestream Q&As.
If you contribute at the $1 level or higher, you'll be able to participate in the polling that will determine the kinds of short stories I'm writing. If you kick in at $3 or higher, you'll get to see some of my rough work before it's been edited or sent to publishers, as well as essays about the short stories I'm writing. If my musings on this blog help you at all, I think the $3+ package on the Patreon would be of great interest to you.
I'm also working on creating a short story magazine on Patreon for Silence in the Library. We'll be producing a monthly short story magazine and the money will be used to pay the writers. I'll be curating much of that. If you're interested in having your short story considered for that project, contact me and I'll get you submission guidelines and talk to you about what I'm looking for.
Thank you for reading this and paying me for the time I put into helping educate readers of the blog and entertain readers of short fiction. Here's the link for my Patreon one more time.